District Audit for first and second quarter starts on 8th July 2015.
Church Treasurers are asked to pick the Audit review forms from Estates Church before that date. Please comply.
1. There will be a (ZBUC) SENIOR Youth Camp-at Kabwe High School, from 26 April-2May 2015,Theme”THY WILL BE DONE!” Registration fee K50, Deadline of Registration was March 15, 2015. Candidates to prepare K200 for transport and food and every one must come with a tent as there will be no sleeping in classrooms.
2. Members who did not collect church registration forms should get from the church clerk and then submit immediately after filling in.
3. There will be free literature distribution in all Churches. The book to be distributed is “WHEN GOD SAYS REMEMBER”. Which every member will be required to purchase at K 5 each. All monies for the books to be channeled through the church treasurers.
4. The Lay preachers training will be from 10-12 April, 2015. Registration is K50. Refresher course for all trained preacher and all ordained Elders on 5th April at Estates church at 09.00hrs.
5. There will be professional lecturers and teachers conversion for Lusaka Conference from 2nd to 7th July 2015 at Chalimbana college of Education in Chongwe. Participation fee is K300 and it carters for Registration, food and accommodation. Deadline for submitting names and fees for this meeting is 15th June, 2015.
6. There will be District Pathfinder preparatory fair on 12th April, 2015 at Khosa Stadium. Participation is K65 per church.
7. District Dorcas Prisons Ministries will take place on 12th April, 2015 at Railside Church. Time 08:00hrs.
8. There will be ZBUC Dorcamo Convention from 23rd to 27th June, 2015 at National Heroes stadium. To attend are all executive and sub-committee members at conference, district and zone level.
9. There will be Stewardship Seminar on 5th April, 2015 at kafue Estates church. To attend all stewardship leaders and the district leaders
10. There will be Seminar for all Women at Kafue Estates on Sunday 5th April, 2015. time 08:30 to 16:00hrs.
11. The will be a meeting for all those who want to write the Master Guide exams on Monday 5th April, 2015 at 09:00hrs at Kafue Main Church. To attend also are all Local and District leaders.
a) Each delegations required to pay a participation fee of K70.00 by 31st July 2014.
b) All singing groups are eligible to attend, no auditions will be conducted.
2. There will be elder’s board tomorrow 13th July 2014 at Mungu. All elders are requested to submit deposit slips for district funds. The meeting will commence at 09:00 hours.
1. AY Council Meeting will be held on 22nd June at Kafue Main Church. Leaders to come with reports.
2. Fees for the Youth Congress is K130.00 only.
3. Lusaka Conference will hold a music convention from 5th – 11th October 2014 at Muluse.
a) Each delegations required to pay a participation fee of K70.00 by 31st July 2014.
b) All singing groups are eligible to attend time, no auditions will be conducted.
4. There will be elder’s board on 22nd June 2014 at Mungu. All elders are requested to submit 2nd quarter reports. The meeting will commence at 09:00 hours.
5. There will be District Council on 29th June at Kafue Estates AT 09:00. All district departmental leaders are requested to attend without fail as they will be expected to compile their reports.
6. There will be Conference Lay Preachers’ convention for beginners, intermediate and senior classes at Chilongolo SDA Church from 4th to 12th July 2014.
· Camp fee is K95.00 for transport and feeding.
· Certification of all qualifying preachers will be done on the site at Chilongolo.
7. Zambia Union Conference Education department will be having a teacher’s convention in Livingstone from 12th -16th August 2014. All Lusaka Conference Adventist Teachers are called to attend an important meeting at Libala on 1st June 2014 from 09:00 hours – 13:00 hours.
8. Lusaka Conference Youth Congress.
(i) Theme: Jesus is coming: Connect
(ii) Theme Song: On a little while.
(iii) Date: 27th June to 1st July 2014.
(iv) Speakers: Jenkins Dlamini RSA, KNC MainzaShimunzhila, Zed, LC
(v) Registration Form: Set District Youth Secretary
(vi) Venue: Silverest School Lusaka / Chongwe
(vii) Registration Fee: K100 only
9. One Day Master Guide Conference
(i) Theme: Jesus the Centre
(ii) Theme Song: I will early seek the saviour
Date: June 14, 2014.
1. There is a Conference Seminar which begun on Friday 13th June 2014 at Kafue Estates, to attend are: All Sabbath School Officers, Sabbath School Teachers, Personal Ministries Officers, VOP Leaders and all Elders in Charge of the above named Departments.
2. AY Council Meeting will be held on 22nd June at Kafue Main Church. Leaders to come with reports.
3. Fees for the Youth Congress is K130.00 only.
4. Lusaka Conference will hold a music convention from 5th – 11th October 2014 at Muluse.
a) Each delegations required to pay a participation fee of K70.00 by 31st July 2014.
b) All singing groups are eligible to attend time, no auditions will be conducted.
5. There will be baptism today 14th June at Kafue Estates at 14:00 hours.
6. There will be elder’s board on 22nd June 2014 at Mungu. All elders are requested to submit 2nd quarter reports. The meeting will commence at 09:00 hours.
7. There will be District Council on 29th June at Kafue Estates AT 09:00. All district departmental leaders are requested to attend without fail as they will be expected to compile their reports.
8. There will be Conference Lay Preachers’ convention for beginners, intermediate and senior classes at Chilongolo SDA Church from 4th to 12th July 2014.
· Camp fee is K95.00 for transport and feeding.
· Certification of all qualifying preachers will be done on the site at Chilongolo.
9. Zambia Union Conference Education department will be having a teacher’s convention in Livingstone from 12th -16th August 2014. All Lusaka Conference Adventist Teachers are called to attend an important meeting at Libala on 1st June 2014 from 09:00 hours – 13:00 hours.
10. Lusaka Conference Youth Congress.
(i) Theme: Jesus is coming: Connect
(ii) Theme Song: On a little while.
(iii) Date: 27th June to 1st July 2014.
(iv) Speakers: Jenkins Dlamini RSA, KNC MainzaShimunzhila, Zed, LC
(v) Registration Form: Set District Youth Secretary
(vi) Venue: Silverest School Lusaka / Chongwe
(vii) Registration Fee: K100 only
11. One Day Master Guide Conference
(i) Theme: Jesus the Centre
(ii) Theme Song: I will early seek the saviour
The Lay Preachers’ training has been rescheduled to 18 – 21 April, 2014 at Kafue Estates Church. Participation fee is K100 per candidate or K50 for day scholars. Each church to sponsor at least 2 candidates. Self-sponsorship is encouraged too. Beginners and Intermediate lessons will be conducted. Registering will start on 18th April, 2014 at 07:00hrs.
There will be District Youth Council tomorrow, 06/04/14 at Estates church. All local leaders to come with reports.
There will be CHILD PREACHERS’ Training from 25th – 28th April, 2014 at Libala Church. The training is to be conducted for both male and female children aged 9 to 14 years. Participation fee per child is K 100 only and the closing date for the same is 18th April, 2014.
Youth Leadership seminar will take place from 25th to 27th April, 2014. Fees are K50 per head. Each church is to pay at least for 4 leaders; that’s, 1 from each club.
There will be SID Stewardship Seminar at the University Church today, 5th April, 2014 at 14:00hrs. Sunday (6/4/14) and Monday (7/4/14), the seminar takes place at Libala church starting 09:00hrs. All the stewardship strategic plans committee members, Elders –in- charge of stewardship leaders, Trust Services leaders and church Treasurers are requested to attend. Each participant is required to take packed lunch for each of the three days.
District Auditing starts on Monday, 7th April, 2014 at Estates church from 09:00hrs. Accounts to be audited are January to March 2014.
There will be Dorcas Workers meeting on Sunday, 6th April, 2014 at Mungu church at 09:00hrs. May the leaders, please bring along the numbers of campers.
12. District council meeting on 30th March 2014. All baptized members should attend without fail.
Date: 15th March, 2014 There will be Eye Screening on Sunday, 23rd March, 2014 at Kafue West SDA Church from 08:00hrs. All are welcome. There will be a Youth planning meeting on Sunday, 16th March, 2014 at Kafue Main SDA Church at 09:00hrs. To attend are; AY, Ambassador, Pathfinder and Adventurer Area Coordinators and their secretaries. Please attend without fail. There will be Eye Screening on 30th March, 2014 at Kafue Estates church. All are invited. Prior to this day, we invite all Church Health Leaders and all interested to meet on 23rd March, 2014 at 09:00hrs at Kafue Estates church. There will be an AY/ Ambassador recreation at Kabulonga Boys Secondary School on Sunday, 23rd March, 2014. Fees are K 35 per participant. There will be a Music Seminar on 16th March, 2014 to be conducted by Conference Leaders at Kafue Estates Church at 08:30hrs. To attend are; Church Music Directors, Church Choristers, Choir Directors, Group Leaders and Elders-in-charge. There will be CHILD PREACHERS’ Training from 25th – 28th April at Libala Church. The training is to be conducted for both male and female children aged 9 to 14 years. Participation fee per child is K 100 only and the closing date for the same is 18th April, 2014. There will be a one day Communication Summit at Libala Church on Sunday 30th March, 2014 from 08:00 hrs -15:30 hrs. All local church Communication Leaders are requested to attend without fail. All church Elders are reminded to prepare 1st Quarter 2014 Reports in preparation for submission to the District Pastor during the 23rd March, 2014 Elders board Meeting. Baptism is to take place on 22nd March, 2014 at Kafue Estates church at 14:00 hrs. All churches are expected to baptise at least 5 youths per Church or Congregation. There will be women Ministries meeting tomorrow Sunday the 16th March, at Kafue Estates church 09:00 hrs. All women ministries Leaders to attend without fail.
NB: All payments must be made through the Conference.
7. There will be a District Music seminar for all Church Music Directors, Choir Directors and Choristers on 9th March, 2014 at Kafue Estates Church starting at 08:00hrs. All to come with the agreed affiliation fees; Churches, K350 and Companies, K150. Food will be provided.
8. There will be a Dorcas Workers meeting this Sunday, 23rd February, 2014 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00hrs. All are requested to attend.
9. Today is District Choir rotation in all churches and companies. Enjoy the MUSIC!
10. There will be a Music Seminar on 16th March, 2014 to be conducted by Conference Leaders at Kafue Estates Church. To attend are; Church Music Directors, Church Choristers and Choir Directors.
11. All Rural Stewardship Leaders to meet Elder Kaamba on the last Sabbath of this month at Chikupi SDA Church.
12. Last week’s appended advert for employment continues.
NB: All payments must be made through the Conference.
7. 8th to 15th February, 2014 is the General Conference Christian Home and Marriage Week.
8. All Church Congregations are requested to submit names of Publishing Coordinators to the District Council without fail.
9. Only Nangongwe Company has submitted ‘’Great Hope ‘’ Deposit Slips. Please submit these records during the District Council.
10. There will be a District Youth Executive Meeting today, 15th February, 2014 at Kafue Estates Church at 14:00hrs.
11. There will be a Music Seminar on 12th March, 2014 to be conducted by Conference Leaders at Kafue Estates Church. To attend are; Church Music Directors, Church Choristers and Choir Directors.
12. All Rural Stewardship Leaders to meet Elder Kaamba on the last Sabbath of this month at Chikupi SDA Church.
13. URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be a meeting on Sunday 16th February 2014 at Libala Church at 09:00 Hrs for the following: AMO, Lay Evangelists, Evangelism Leaders, Sabbath School Superintendants and their Elders in Charge. Please attend without fail.
NB: All payments must be made through the Conference.
1st February, 2014 will be Tell the World: Personal Outreach Sabbath in all Churches and Companies in the District.
Date: 11th January, 2014
Lost Items: If by any chance someone picked up or has information leading to the recovery of the following items: an IPAD, Small Computer with keypad cover both black in color, please call 0977388890, appreciation in money form will be given immediately if they are found.
1. There will be a seminar this Sunday, 1st December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00Hrs. Those to attend: Stewardship, Trust services and Church development.
2. All District Departmental Leaders should meet and submit to the DPCC Secretary Elder J. Hikanyemu their Time Management, Plans and Budgets for 2014 on Sunday 8th December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00Hrs.
3. There will be a Music Council meeting this Sunday 1st December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00 Hrs. To attend are: Church Music Directors, Choristers and Choir Directors (both outgoing and incoming), please come with plans and budgets for 2014.
4. Deadline for Youth Alive payments is 15th December, 2013. Kindly attach Passport size photos to your registration forms. For more information, contact Br. A. Haatontola and Br. B. Mwiinga.
5. There will be a Dorcas Council meeting for Zone, Federation and Local Executive Leaders at Libala Church at 09:00Hrs on Sunday 1st December 2013.
6. All Health Talks for the month of November should be on HIV/AIDS.
7. Sabbath School Superintendents, Sabbath School Teachers and VOP Seminar will be held on Sunday, 1st December, 2013 at Libala Church. Time: 09:00hrs.
8. Libala SDA Church invites Kafue to meet the Ambassadors Of Christ Choir from Rwanda. Dates and venues; On 30th November, 2013 at Blessing Centre (Bread of Life) in Emmasdale. Time; 17.30 to 21.00hrs. Tickets per person are: Platinum K120, Gold K100, Silver K50. At Government Complex, on 2nd December, 2013 at 17.30 to 21.00hrs. Tickets, K150 per person.
9. All Urban churches and all church members in the District with access to the internet are encouraged to check for Announcements regularly on the District Website: kafuedictrict-lusaka.adventisthost.org Please note that, starting January, 2014, all urban churches will be accessing their Announcements and other necessary materials by use of the District Website and hard copies will only be prepared for the rural churches. Please make necessary arrangements.
10. Today, 30th November, 2013 is Health Emphasis Sabbath.
Date: 23rd November, 2013
Date: 16th November, 2013
The Children’s Camp Meeting which was supposed to take place at Rusangu, will be held at Rephidim from 10th to 14th December, 2013. Each District to send only six(6) children. Payments; K150 per child. Churches are hereby requested to help meet the required expenses for the children by 20th November 2013 to Sr. Mukwela (0977979613). Consideration will be on first come, first serve basis.
There will be a Dorcas Council Meeting on Sunday, 10th November 2013 at Kafue Main Church. All Outgoing and Incoming Leaders and their Secretaries to attend without fail. Time, 09:00hrs.
There will be training for Literature Evangelists starting from 10th to 14th November, 2013 at Kafue Main Church. Time, 08:00hrs. Come with packed lunch, note books, Bibles and pens. For more information call the District Leader on 0979 872996.
There will be Elders’ seminar at Kafue Estates on 3rd November 2013 at 08:00Hrs and all Church treasurers are requested to submit Deposit Slips for Great Hope books on the same day (3rd Nov.) at Estates without fail at 08:00Hrs.
DR. Hamalilo N.D. will be at Kafue West S.D.A. Church this weekend with the following schedule:
Sunday 03/11/2013, 08:00Hrs – 16:30Hrs Check-ups BP, Scanning and Cancer Screening at K50.00 Various medication for various ailments will also be available.
2014 Lusaka Conference Time Management is out. See the Youth Secretary Br. Adonijah Hatontola.
Today is Creation Sabbath Day Fellowship Meal in all Churches and Companies in the District.
All those who would like to buy Church Mannual books should see Sr. Mudenda, Kafue Main Church.
There will be a seminar on entrepreneurship and self-reliance on Sunday 3rd November, 2013 in the Church Hall at Lusaka Central Church. All women are invited, and carry packed lunch.
The following material for Sabbath School and Personal Ministries are available.
Note: All these books Cost K 130.00 in all.
Please, each Church, Company and Branch must send paid up orders to the Personal Ministries Secretary, Sr. Mervis Shanyinde Nchileka.
Churches are requested to submit names of people who registered for the HIV Seminar taking place on 30th October, 2013. Those churches without, please hand pick at least 6 to comprise of AMO, AY and Dorcas. Contact Eld. Munachilemba on Cell; 0977875480 or Sr. O. Namangolwa, Cell; 0965844884 or the District Pastor.
There will be youth Alive inter District on 22 to 29th December at Kafue boys secondary School. Charges; K 200: K 80 – food, K 20-Registration, K100 -tours, package and lodging.
The District Crusade at Kasengele Stage2 boardering Siajanika ends today, 26th October, 2013. Main Speaker; Pastor R. Kaziya. You are all invited.
10. There will be a music camp meeting at Mundengwa from 7th to 15th Oct 2012. All singing groups are invited to attend. Fees: K50, 000 per person.
11. Camp meeting Auditions for Urban churches will be on 8th July 2012 at Estates church while those for Rural churches will be held on 15th July 2012. Time is 08:00hrs for both.
12. All announcements to reach the department by Wednesday. Latest Wednesday noon, anything that comes after will appear in the next publication. Note; Take this as an official notification.
13. All local church/district camp meeting committee members to meet at Mungu on Sunday ,08/07/12
14. Kindly check for announcements on our District website.
By the Communication Department
Kenneth Munkanta
Communication Secretary
Epapharas Corner - There will be a prayer sesssion for all prayer bands in the district this Sabbath 17th March 2012 at Kafue Estates Church, Time: 14:00 Hours.
a) Baptism at Mungu and Chanyanya churches will now take place on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th March, respectively. Baptism interviews and Baptism itself for urban churches will take place on Sunday 18th March at Estates.
25TH February 2012. ANNOUNCENTS
K25, 000 .00 on 03-01-12, K50, 000 .00 on 11-01012, K412,000 .00 on 27-01-12, K145,000 .00 on 30-01-12, K30,050 .00 on 01-12-11, K424,000 .00 on 28-12-11, K21,300. 00 on 30-12-11.
15. Treasurers also to note that you are free to deduct the 30% of the LCB as District fund and deposit it in the District account without depositing it first in the local church account. Make a copy of such a deposit slip for the district treasurer,
write the name of the church on it and submit it to him and keep the original.
16. There will be a Seminar for women in Lusaka at Central Church on 26th February 2012, Time 09:00 hrs.
District Lders Board at Mungu SDA Church on 29th January, 2012. Time 09:00 hours. All Church Elders and Company Leaders to attend also Church and Company Treasurers.