Announced by
Communication Kafue District
Feb 23 2012
25TH February 2012. ANNOUNCENTS
- The Central Zambia Conference accounts personnel will be in Kafue Mission District from 1st to 5th March 2012 following up (UID) Unidentified Funds from January 2012 to date. All treasurers to put together all the cash statements and deposits of the stated period.
- Elders and company leaders to prepare for lessons during the women ministries Sabbath on 3rd March 2012. The sermon will be distributed to all churches and companies.
- There will be church Board and business meetings on 4th March 2012 in all churches.
- The District Personal Ministries and Children Preachers Seminars will be done on 8th March 2012.
- The General Conference (GC) president’s visit to Zambia will take place from 8th to 15th March 2012.
- There will be Master Guide requirement class-pathfinders staff training course from Friday 9th March to Monday 12th March 2012.
- 10th March 2012 is an Amo promotion Day for the whole District.
- All camp meeting chair persons and secretaries from local churches are members of the District camp meeting committee and all to meet at Mungu church on 26th February 2012.
- The Urban District Dorcas seminar will be held on 26th February 2012 at Kafue Main Church. Time 09:00 hrs. All Dorcas workers from urban churches to attend.
- There will be a District elders Board meeting on Sunday 26th February 2012 at Mungu SDA church. All serving elders and District executive members to attend.
- Kindly be reminded that 3rd March 2012 is a women ministries day”WOMEN END IT NOW CAMPAIGN”.
- All Dorcas societies in the District to pay federation affiliation fees of K120, 000 for churches and K100, 000 for companies by the end of February.
- There is an added statistical report to be done every second and seventh Sabbath of every quarter. Make a head count of every person in attendance on these Sabbath during the Sabbath school and the main service. The admin Elders and the company leaders to administer this and send the report to the District Pastor by the next day Sunday. Starting this Sabbath on 18th February 2012.
- Treasurers or individual members who deposited the following amounts in the Central Zambia conference account for Kafue ZANACO Branch to submit the details of the deposit to the pastor. Treasurers take note of this:
K25, 000 .00 on 03-01-12, K50, 000 .00 on 11-01012, K412,000 .00 on 27-01-12, K145,000 .00 on 30-01-12, K30,050 .00 on 01-12-11, K424,000 .00 on 28-12-11, K21,300. 00 on 30-12-11.
15. Treasurers also to note that you are free to deduct the 30% of the LCB as District fund and deposit it in the District account without depositing it first in the local church account. Make a copy of such a deposit slip for the district treasurer,
write the name of the church on it and submit it to him and keep the original.
16. There will be a Seminar for women in Lusaka at Central Church on 26th February 2012, Time 09:00 hrs.
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