1. There will be a seminar this Sunday, 1st December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00Hrs. Those to attend: Stewardship, Trust services and Church development.
2. All District Departmental Leaders should meet and submit to the DPCC Secretary Elder J. Hikanyemu their Time Management, Plans and Budgets for 2014 on Sunday 8th December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00Hrs.
3. There will be a Music Council meeting this Sunday 1st December 2013 at Kafue Estates Church at 09:00 Hrs. To attend are: Church Music Directors, Choristers and Choir Directors (both outgoing and incoming), please come with plans and budgets for 2014.
4. Deadline for Youth Alive payments is 15th December, 2013. Kindly attach Passport size photos to your registration forms. For more information, contact Br. A. Haatontola and Br. B. Mwiinga.
5. There will be a Dorcas Council meeting for Zone, Federation and Local Executive Leaders at Libala Church at 09:00Hrs on Sunday 1st December 2013.
6. All Health Talks for the month of November should be on HIV/AIDS.
7. Sabbath School Superintendents, Sabbath School Teachers and VOP Seminar will be held on Sunday, 1st December, 2013 at Libala Church. Time: 09:00hrs.
8. Libala SDA Church invites Kafue to meet the Ambassadors Of Christ Choir from Rwanda. Dates and venues; On 30th November, 2013 at Blessing Centre (Bread of Life) in Emmasdale. Time; 17.30 to 21.00hrs. Tickets per person are: Platinum K120, Gold K100, Silver K50. At Government Complex, on 2nd December, 2013 at 17.30 to 21.00hrs. Tickets, K150 per person.
9. All Urban churches and all church members in the District with access to the internet are encouraged to check for Announcements regularly on the District Website: kafuedictrict-lusaka.adventisthost.org Please note that, starting January, 2014, all urban churches will be accessing their Announcements and other necessary materials by use of the District Website and hard copies will only be prepared for the rural churches. Please make necessary arrangements.
10. Today, 30th November, 2013 is Health Emphasis Sabbath.